Sunday 12 August 2012

Vicco Turmeric : vicco turmeric nahi cosmetic...

Even in those days , the ads of Vicco had an old world rustic feel, not at all upsetting though infact a rather feel good theme, surprisingly it was time when ad content on Tv was slowly but steady maturing, ads were starting to rely on a wider fashion appeal, better content , much better video quality........between all this; out of the blue comes a Vicco turmeric ad, as if the makers of  the Vicco ad slept through the whole transformational phase, yet what was really intriguing was people took to it, i saw my mom overindulgingly buying Vicco cream, so were the others i knew , every store stacked it to the full, the point is it was selling like hotcakes, anyways bottomline it was a good ad, the jingle had its own feel, and all in all everything about Vicco seemed innately Indian.  

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